The Aging Question

The Aging Question- A Vision for the Coming Elder Boom is a M2E Book (mini media ebook) written by Angil Tarach-Ritchey.  This multi-media book will expand your view and offer new thoughts to a better way to live and receive care as a senior.  Please pass it on to others you think would enjoy the experience and vision.

The posts on this site are intended to assist seniors, family caregivers and healthcare professionals and provoke thoughts about Aging in America, change perspectives, bring to light current legislative issues, and encourage advocacy.

For information on issues being addressed in the Senate, go to United States Senate Special Commission on Aging

Write your Representative You can find your State's Representatives and email them directly through the site. Unless we contact our Representative's and push for better services and treatment of the aging population things will remain status quo. Let them know your struggles, your needs, and make your voice heard. Every time I have advocated on behalf of older adults and written my Representatives I have received a response. Find out how they're voting. Urge them to vote in the best interest of seniors. Together we can do a lot!
AARP Politics includes some discussion on individual States

FirstGov for Seniors;
Helps users access all federal government sites that provide services for senior citizens, such as the Social Security Administration, the Health Care Financing Administration, the Administration on Aging, and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

National Alliance for Caregiving. Focuses on issues surrounding family caregiving

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